
Holy Shepherd Christian Preschool offers a variety of events and activities for all preschoolers.  Learning occurs in a variety of ways and the curriculum reflects a rich array of activities and events.

Our program highlights several activities for both learning and fun!

Program Highlights
• Games, music, and projects are shared with Lamorinda Adult Respite Center participants.

• The children visit the neighborhood Orinda Firehouse.

• The Zoo-phonics program is offered to the M-W-F prekindergarten class. This program fully involves the child’s eyes, ears, mouth and body as they learn phonemic awareness, the alphabet, and how to read, spell, and write.

• Mandarin Chinese is offered on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00 – 1:30 p.m. to the mature 4-year olds. This program is offered free of charge by the Orinda Mandarin Chinese Language Program and Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church.

Parent Participation
We invite our parents to share their gifts with us:  special art, stories, music cooking projects, etc.

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